The objective of this policy is the provision of healthy and safe workplaces at all of the IntoWork Australia businesses including the hazards associated with employees taking or being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol at work. IntoWork recognises that inappropriate drug and alcohol use may contribute to workplace incidents due to poor physical coordination, impaired judgement and decreased alertness. This policy is also applicable to attendance at work-related functions conducted outside normal working hours.
For the purpose of this policy, the term ‘drugs’ refers to all legal and illegal drugs including but not limited to nicotine, tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, heroin, cocaine and amphetamines. Illegal drugs are those for which the production, possession, consumption or sale is an offence under Commonwealth or State laws. The term ’medical drugs’ refers to all drugs and medication which are used for medical purposes and includes drugs prescribed by a medical practitioner or those purchased from a pharmacy or elsewhere for the purpose of assisting with the treatment of an illness.
IntoWork is committed to take reasonable action to control the risk to our employees, clients and participants from the inappropriate or misuse of drugs and alcohol. It is the policy of IntoWork and all our businesses that:
1. This policy and other relevant information on the risks associated with the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol in the workplace will be provided to all employees and training participants
2. The possession, consumption, distribution or sale of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited at any IntoWork business controlled premises or workplaces provided by clients
3. The employment of any employee in the possession of, or involved in the consumption, distribution or selling, of illegal drugs at any IntoWork business, controlled premises or workplaces, provided by clients and work sanctioned events, will result in immediate termination
4. Inappropriate drug and alcohol use at work or any work sanctioned events is to be reported to an employee’s supervisor or management, for action which may include possible referral to appropriate treatment or counselling
5. Employees are responsible for checking with their doctor to establish if medical drugs that are prescribed or recommended for their use may affect their ability to work safely. Employees are required to inform their supervisor if medical drugs being consumed may impair their judgment or performance and capacity to work safely so that alternative work arrangements can be determined
6. Senior management has the discretion to permit limited alcohol consumption for approved and authorised business functions. Arrangements for such functions will include the provision of low-alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages
7. Procedures are developed and maintained for dealing with alleged breaches of this policy Implementation of this policy at each IntoWork business is the responsibility of their senior management. The maintenance and review of this policy is the responsibility of the IntoWork CEO. The review will be conducted in consultation with senior management of the IntoWork businesses.
This policy has been developed in consultation with interested parties and with consideration to access and equity principles and legislative requirements.