To ensure that Hume Employment Service Limited and its trading divisions, Kestrel Apprentice Solutions and Kestrel Recruitment, provides its employees, Labour Hire employees and Apprentices and Trainees with a Child Safe environment and workplace.
The overall responsibility for the implementation and monitoring of this policy remains with the Regional Manager.
Policy Statement
Kestrel recognises its responsibilities to all current or prospective employees under the Victorian Child Safety Standards. As an employer of young people under the age of 18, to meet these responsibilities, Kestrel will:
- Ensure all direct employees undertake and maintain current Working with Children checks in Victoria and if appropriate, NSW;
- Commit to providing a Child Safe workplace and resource this commitment appropriately;
- Provide information, training and supervision for all employees on Child Safety matters as appropriate;
- Ensure Child Safety risk assessments are regularly undertaken; effective risk management strategies are developed & documented in consultation with staff;
- Promote and encourage a workplace culture whereby Child Safety Standards are considered the norm and where reporting of suspected Child Abuse is encouraged;
- Employees will ensure that all meetings with Candidates or prospective Apprentice, Trainees or Labour Hire employees who are under 18 years of age are conducted in a Kestrel Office, school or public environment unless a parent, guardian or another responsible adult is also present;
- Employees will report any incidence of suspected Child Abuse to their Manager or to the Regional Manager.
This policy and procedures will be reviewed when relevant legislation changes are evidence or changes to the policy are deemed necessary.